Monday, April 30

Late Night Hot Fries, Green Tea, and Blogging!

So, Mr. Blog.

I have been unwell once again, sometimes I feel I stay that way. *ICK* I went to the doctor last week for a strange noise in my ear, "vascular tinitus" or hearing my pulse in my ear similar to a ringing. It is a symptom of a middle ear infection and my guess was correct, but BOTH of my tympanic membranes were ruptured in my ears. This I was not expecting. So antibiotics in hand and cotton balls stuffed in my ears I went home and been loafing around the house since. But all has not been in vain, Mr. Blog! I have whipped out a few things while staying glued to my couch cushions, photos will have to be postponed until tomorrow when I have better lighting. Also, I have been asked by a few emails to explain my method to creating the Totoro Kindle cover I posted earlier so I will be making a tutorial my next off day from work to do so. I have never made one before so this shall be interesting!
My downtime entertainment, to The Captain's dismay, has consisted of My Little Pony and He-Man/She-Ra episodes. Both on Netflix! Yush! I burned through all the MLP they had to offer, sadly. I cannot wait for the next update!
I sort of lied, Mr. Blog. I went shopping Friday. I found three very cute skirts at Deb's, surprisingly. I was originally searching for new tights/leggings but that was a fruitless search. I have been pondering shopping online more often as I am finding it difficult to acquire desired items within the shops nearby. Some things are very cute, they even opened a new store named Maurice's, but I desire more mori/lolita-ish prices in my wardrobe.
Bedtime is way past now. I'll post tomorrow before work. Nighty night!*HEART*

Friday, April 6

Just Saying "Hi!"

Got my new lashes today. The Captain and I have lovingly named them "Thing1 & Thing2" since they remind me of the Grinch's eyebrows. Har har for book references. So I just wanted to share with you a quick shot I took in the Hobby Lobby parking lot. I feel like Mothra is waiting to descend from the sky and get me with these bad boys on! Triple layer obviously means "your eyelids will want to assassinate you but will not because they are being subdued by the ton of lash you glued to them."