Saturday, May 21

Insomnia. It's the reason I am setting up a mobile blog section. Lol.

Saturday, May 14

Duke + ME = FOREVER ♥

I pre-ordered this wonderful piece of AWSOMENESS today!
Right up there with Batman, Duke Nukem was one of my childhood idols! He's like a cursing John Wayne! Spewing corny catch lines and blowing up everything in sight, what more could I want? I am so excited I feel like a kid hopped up on a whole pile of pixie sticks. ♥

Today I went to work to do my yearly competencies. There was a mannequin made of stuffed pantyhose for Foley catheter cares and a box that had a G-tube popping out of it for demonstration. I lol'ed. It was great! I really think the ladies who set everything up did a great job! I wish i had taken a picture, looking back I regret it a bit. I do not know if I would get into trouble for that though, if I shared them on the blog or something. I see many people get into trouble for doing work related rants and such online, so I try to leave alot of work related items out of the blogging rants.

The living room is sparkling with organization, I really am proud of it right now! How long will this last, though? No idea. It seems to get the most traffic and suffering of the house. The pipes in my bathroom are stopped up for some unknown reasons so I will have to be calling maintenance in the morning. I pray the kids did not stuff anything down a tube it did not belong in. We will see!

I have been seeing those Star Brooch/Clips from 6% Dokidoki all over the damn internet and have decided that I REALLY WANT ONE! Or two. Maybe just two. They are really cute! I love the Chubby Bunny Hello Kitty headbows as well. I have been wanting one of those for a while now. I remember seeing them on her LJ account a while back. I might have to start an Amazon Wish List, just for shits and giggles. ♥

I keep putting off crafting because of cleaning house, but no more! Tomorrow I begin! Goodnight!

Saturday, May 7


I have been torturing The Captain with lady Gaga's Judas all morning, he he he. I am not listening to it on repeat, but I keep going back to the link! Love it. 
Been a tad bit busy lately.  I went out with Sam for her BIRTHDAY at the Ravenite Cigar Bar. I have never been there before but I can easily say it's my favourite bar of all that she has dragged  me into. The theme that night was A Royal Disater, to fit with the timing of the Royal Wedding of course. I had a cute gothy hot pink and black mess planned to wear, but it is so hard sometimes to get ready with kids around. I eventually just tossed some shit on and went, exasperated with all the distractions. Plus the little ones gooey fingers seemed to keep smearing everywhere. I was done with spot cleaning! Everyone was dressed awesome though, so I enjoyed looking. I spent most of my time dancing and goofing off, only smoked on tiny little clove flavoured cigar. If I had any pics I would share, but alas I was but a blue smudge in most! I tend to be the one taking pictures in my group of friends, rarely do I get photos taken of myself. Unless it's my friend Sharra, she rocks and always seems to catch a funny pic of me every time we have a get together! SHARRA CARES! ♥ Next months theme is going to be a gothic prom I was told, I am excited about this! Gonna bring The Captain as well! I will dance, he will smoke cigars, all will be well in the world!
Wednesday I finally caught up on washing laundry. This only took $40 and Laudry World down the street! And about 3 hours. Awful, right?! And I'm STILL NOT DONE folding! *flail!flail!flail!* I was really far behind, eh. Now I have been folding off and on forever. And ironing. I hate to iron, but I hate wearing things not ironed.
I'm still doing changes in the apartment. Still too much of a bum to take photos. Sorry! Off to finish dinner and get a shower. Gotta do my four day weekend at work. FML. I always have a horrible week after those four days!
The Captain and our friend, Furrysack, in the graveyard of hats left over from their mass craziness of getting the $5,000 Bounty achievement on Red Dead Redemption. I thought it was sort of funny.

I love this.